Saturday, June 22, 2013

Surgery #5

Yesterday I had surgery #5 to remove necrotic bone in the left upper jaw and left lower.  The lump I had in the left maxilla came back since the last surgery in Jan 2013. 

This time the surgery was different.  It was completed by a biological dentist while having electrodermal screening done.  The electrodermal screening provides biofeedback.  It takes the guess work out of finding the margins of the infected and/or necrotic bone, so that the doctor is more likely to remove all of the bad tissue. 

Electrodermal testing also indicated that my infection is parasitic in nature, which is why antibiotics did not stop the destruction of the bone or stop the infection.

Most likely the parasites came from sand flies.  Having lived in southern Florida for the last 16 years, sand flies are an issue on the beaches.

I; however, rarely went to the beach. I worked a lot and had a pool, no reason to go to the beach.  Just this one time I went for a photo shoot. I had completed a 5 day, 300 mile charity bike ride six weeks after having a radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer.  It was an honor and privilege to have my photos taken for "free" for the non-profit's magazine as over 1.2 million magazines are printed and distributed.  Neither the photographer or I remembered to bring bug spray.  We spent nearly 3 hours getting bitten by sand flies.  I was covered head to toe with bites.

You have seen one of these photos.  It is my favorite photo of myself.  I was strong, vibrant, energetic and unstoppable.  It is my profile picture.  It is the same picture that I look at to remember how I used to be..and it is most likely the reason I have been fighting for my life for nearly 5 years.  That "free" picture has cost me over $200,000.00 in medical bills and still counting.  Ironic... 

So now I am being treated for the parasite as well as really focusing on my diet to improve my immune system. 

I will have surgery again to the right maxilla and mandible in Oct.  And then I hope to be done with it! 

I have only made it this far though by persistence, holistic medicine, IV vitamin infusions, vitamin C, probiotics and other supplements.  If I had followed the advice of the mainstream doctors, I would have died 3 years ago.