Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Still in hospital. Waiting for Dr. Berger to come see me now. I had the MRI of my throat yesterday and CT of facial bones the day before. Trying to get the insurance to authorize special dental x-ray/CT of the right manible to evaluate for osteomyelitis there too. I still have all the teeth in my lower jaw. Really need to see a problem in the bone before extracting a bunch of my teeth...Will write more later once I see Dr. Berger...


  1. Does anyone know how Danielle is? I'm concerned that she hasn't posted. We don't know each other but I have the same illness and live in San Diego and am familiar with her doctor. I'm really praying she's okay. Would appreciate any news.

  2. Hi,

    Sorry I am a bad blogger. I've been so busy with everything I have not posted. I am okay. Thank you for your concern. Will write more soon. I have been discharged and leave for the airport soon to return to FL. Would love to find out more about you.

