Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Prior to getting cervical cancer in 2008 followed by 6 years of fighting osteomyelitis of the jaw, I was fit, healthy and got EVERY job that I ever applied for. Hmm..coincidence? (I think not..)

Last fall I returned to Florida and had several job interviews and now in the last few weeks, I have had more in Washington. The funny (ironic) thing is that during the phone interview all of the potential employers are excited to meet me because I have an impressive resume. It also helps that my business, which was primarily me, was voted best in the area where it was located for 6 years in a row.

But then I go to the interview... I'm neat, clean and dressed professionally. but all of a sudden my skills, talent and resume no longer matter, only my waist size does. I don't look like Barbie PT anymore. Frankly some of the employers have been flat rude to me in person, others just don't bother to call me or email me to let me know their decision. (Also rude).

I want to shake them and say don't you know that I have been sick for 6 years!!! But you can't say that, because then they will just think OMG my insurance rates are going to go up or you are going to miss work. Both thoughts also unfounded, since I see primarily holistic doctors that don't take insurance and I go to work. I am on time. I never call in sick. I do a great job. My patient's love me. I am still funny and my patient's never know I am sick.

Some days I can barely hold myself upright, but I am at work (thanks to caffeine). That's the best I can do!

So yep, I am fat now but somehow I AM STILL ABOVE THE GROUND!!  Despite the lousy medical care that I received at the onset of the osteomyelitis which probably caused me to gain weight, I am still here to call you all out!

If you happen upon this, you know who you are and should be ashamed of yourself. How dare you judge me for my weight when you don't know my story. Most of you are healthcare providers. You should know better than to judge when you don't know someone story and struggles.

I've fought and struggled a primarily silent battle with no one to talk to and no one to support me for 6 long years. I have struggled to hide my problems through my work days only to go home and collapse into the couch in pure fatigue, pain and exhaustion after having had my energy sucked out of me by my patients and their problems.

I never play the single mother card, but here it is. I can't not work. I have a son to support. Yep he's old enough to support himself, but so far he isn't and he depends upon me. So it doesn't matter how I feel. I have to be at work to pay the bills.

It's good that there are still traveling therapy jobs that depend upon phone interviews only or I would be unemployed and homeless! (Or I could stay where I am at now since my current boss would like to keep me).

With all this said, I want to say THANK YOU to ALL of the UNETHICAL employers that have interviewed me in Florida and Washington, that don't seem to realize that DISCRIMINATION is ILLEGAL!

I am glad that I am overweight, so that your true colors are seen right upfront. I would NEVER want to work for someone that judges my abilities as a physical therapist by my waist size not my resume and references.

You all should also know that KARMA is a not good to people that treat me bad.  It's nothing I do, I am just taken care of by higher powers.  For example one employer treated me very unprofessionally while I was in Florida. It was a neurology group practice.  They are no longer a group and it took them 9 months to find a therapist to replace me..karma.

So if you are one of these unethical judgmental schmucks that have determined my ability to work as a physical therapist by my waist size and then have lied to me about choosing a different therapist for your clinic when there is no other therapist... you may look forward to business struggles in the near future. after all karma is a b....

Thank you God for watching over me, taking care of me ... and those that seek to harm me...:D

PS: What all of you don't know is that I am doing much better now. My energy is improving. I wear my FitBit every day, average walking 29+ miles a week and log all of my calories. I am going to beat this too and when I have I will be back to being thin and fit, but you will still not have a quality therapist...Need I say it again... karma...:T

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Last Thursday, I had the 10th or 11th debridement surgery on my jaw. So I have 8 -10 stitches in my jaw on the left side. The left side is where I typically chew because I have more teeth remaining on that side. This means I have to pretty much gum my food on the right or chew with my front teeth (yeh don't watch me eat right now, it's not attractive).

So you would think that I would have been able to drop a couple pounds over the last few days. NOPE, not me.  I gained the 6 pounds (!) back that I had worked so hard to lose over the last two weeks. Seriously I didn't eat THAT much jello!  So frustrating!!!