Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The latest...and greatest...

It's now August 2016.  I am doing much better since my last few posts...with that said, I have had no actual "medical treatment" since the last posts.

After the last two "medical doctors", did nothing to help me, I have again taken matters into my own hands. The doctors really have left me no choice. They won't help me and then patronize me for the holistic treatments that have saved my life..

So what have I done:

1. I have used a comprehensive enzyme complex that can be purchased on Amazon called Natural Nutra Digestive Enzyme Supplement.


2. I use a silver based nasal spray called ACS.

Silver naturally kills bacteria, fungus etc. You may read articles calling silver "quackary"; however, it works so well that in wound care clinics the bandages are infused with silver due to its antimicrobial properties.

Using silver as a nasal spray has a couple of benefits. It not only goes through my sinuses and nasal passages, it can spread through the interstitial fluid to the maxilla.

ACS Nasal Spray Extra Strength:

3. After I shower in the morning, I use over-the-counter hydrogen peroxide on a Q-tip to clean my ears.

4. Once the peroxide dries, I use another silver gel again on Q-tips in my ears and in my nose. It's called ASAP 365 Silver Gel.


Can this help you too?  I can't answer that, but it is probably less harmful than any mainstream "medical treatment".

In my case, the perpetual lump that I have had in the right upper jaw since about 2008, continues to shrink.

The left upper and lower jaw also seem to be doing better.

The left ear symptoms that I have, I believe are from a pinched nerve in my neck. These symptoms vary depending on what position I sleep in. When I use my cervical traction unit (also purchased on Amazon  https://www.amazon.com/AshopZ-Portable-Cervical-Traction-Inflatable/dp/B01BZSLQJY/ref=sr_1_17_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1471403947&sr=8-17&keywords=cervical+traction), the symptoms decrease for a while.

Thanks for reading. Hope that this helps :D

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Enzyme Therapy:

Recently a patient of mine came in telling me about Enzyme Therapy.

This intrigued me, as previously I have been put on liver enzymes (by a holistic provider) for treatment of a gouty, painful issue with my right big toe. I took the enzymes for a few weeks and didn't notice much difference. Due to all of the other supplements that I take, I stopped the liver enzymes.

Several weeks later, I noticed that my toe wasn't hurting any more. I was able to walk and hike over uneven surfaces. The redness around my toe joint had subsided, the lump was smaller (but still present) and my range of motion was pain-free!

I've been taking digestive enzymes for a long time, but despite the problem with my toe had developed. I am convinced now that the liver enzymes were what had relieved me of the toe pain, they just took a while to work and they kept working even after stopping them.

So back on topic, my patient started telling me about enzyme therapy. She recommended that I go to the website http://www.litalee.com/  I did and was further intrigued. The information provided on the site is invaluable.

Unfortunately since I have had to fork over $1300 for a CT Scan that the ENT has still not bothered to follow-up on. Oh yeh and then there was Christmas. I don't have the money in my budget to order the urinalysis test. I'll have to wait a couple more weeks.

My patient; however, recommended that I go a head and start on a comprehensive enzyme supplement recommended to her by Lita Lee. I found the supplement on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Natural-Nutra-Completely-Digestion-Vegetarian/dp/B010CAMX02/ref=sr_1_2?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1451970370&sr=1-2&keywords=enzyme+complex+nutra

The reviews on the product, speak for it's quality.

I have been using them about 2 weeks, taking 2-3 a day, just before meals. The lump of infected bone that I still have inside my mouth on the upper right is shrinking. I have another lump of bone under my jaw on the left. It also has reduced by at least 30%.  My big toe is further improving. And I have a ganglion cyst on my right wrist that has been there for about 5 years, has shrunk about 50%.

I find this very exciting. It is possible that EVERYTHING that I have been gone through for the last 6 years could have been reversed if I had only been put on a good comprehensive enzyme when I first complained to an oral surgeon about my jaw feeling swollen in the back.

Instead without any x-rays or other diagnostic testing being done, I was told by the oral surgeon, "I don't see anything", completely blown off, allowing for the parasitic infection in my jaw bone to explode to a point that I have now lost 6 perfectly good teeth, had a significant amount of bone from my jaw removed, given up my business and am about $100,000.00 dollars in debt from mostly needless, unhelpful and harmful mainstream medical treatment!!!!!

You see enzymes have the ability to destroy bacteria, parasites, mold, fungus etc etc. Just like when you dump enzymes in your septic system...enzymes eat ...CRAP..and that applies to when they are put in your body to. They have the ability to eat away the bad stuff in the body. That is a very general description, but you should get the idea. And more info is on the website I mentioned above.

Coincidentally, I also have run a crossed another enzyme supplement that is a metabolic enzyme instead of a digestive enzyme. I received my bottle today and am excited about the possible benefits. Metabolic enzymes are taken between meals to help clean up the stuff in the body, that is not supposed to be there.

Enzymes are normally found in our bodies and we literally die without them. By age 27, the body slows down the production of enzymes. We need to restore our enzymes by eating raw foods or taking supplements, but do doctors every tell us this?

For the first time in quite a while, I feel hopeful about a future.

Here is the link for that supplement: http://www.losethebackpain.com/inflammation5.html. There is really good information on this site too! It may appear off topic, but keep scrolling and reading and there is a lot of good information there.

I will let you all know how it goes..

Thanks for reading and may this information help you to have a HAPPY NEW YEAR :D.