Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Somehow I have survived this last year filled with pure incompetence and ongoing negligence. I really have only myself to thank for my ongoing survival.

If it weren't for the knowledge of holistic remedies that I have gained over the past 10 years, I am sure that this year and the severity of infection which I have suffered would have killed me.

I have been meaning to write on update or summary of this last year of hell, but I haven't been able to bring myself to sit down and really relive it.

I am ready now, but I have to be up early for work tomorrow. And since I still suffer from some degree of infection and fatigue, I need to go to bed.


  1. Hi, just read your story and wondered how you were doing. I too have chronic OM and know many others suffering from the same condition. It has also killed me too but I have used a combnation of treatments from ozone to high dose vitamin C, ulstrasound every day, peptides, DMSO (50%) mixed with various antimicrobials 'painted' - by finger - onto infected area, very clean diet, red light therapy - most days - saunas (I have a cheap FIR portable sauna) and have gradually brought my health back up over the years. It does take daily effort and I am not sure if it will ever go but at least I feel functional. If I still have this issue next year and it hasn't diminished to almost nothing I plan to get intensive HBOT in Spain.

  2. Hi Liz. I apologize for the delay in response. I have been really tired and sick. After working all week and having the life drained out of me by my patients (lol), I have no energy left to do anything functional. I lie on the couch watching movies and thinking about how I should catch up on my blog or write a book and then feel too physically drained and emotionally depleted to do it.

    I was at a functional level doing a variety of holistic self-treatments, but then the last dentist kind of wrote me off. They referred me to an oral surgeon whom doesn’t treat OM. That left me again stranded without any providers, so I went to my family doctor and requested to have a Ceretec white blood cell scan and to see an ID doctor. I stopped everything and let the infection return full force for the test. I planned on starting back on everything today, but I see a new oral surgeon in 2 weeks. The ID doctor told me to hold off on doing anything until I see her. So in two weeks I can start going in the right direction again 😊.

    In regards to you, the only thing that has ever worked for me was to find a doctor to clean the infection our surgically. If you can do that (and maybe you have, Idk your story) and then have the HBOT. I had to have all of the sites clean out more than once and then the ear pain I had for the last 4 years was from a cavity in another tooth, so you might have something going on in another tooth or elsewhere causing your ongoing problems.

    Best wishes,
